Military Veteran Dad Podcast

By |2023-02-02T09:41:54-08:00September 5th, 2019|

This week, I had the honor of being interviewed by Ben Killoy on the Military Veteran Dad podcast. As a Marine veteran himself, Ben is on a mission with his podcast to Bring Every Dad Home. I didn't serve but grew up in a veteran household where the effects of my Dad's Army days in

Kravology – Running to the Fire

By |2023-02-02T09:41:47-08:00June 13th, 2019|

Doing the Right Thing The image above and the link below are from a must-read post on the Kravology website entitled Running to the Fire. I would strongly encourage checking it out, giving the messages thought, and considering it a great introduction to its author, CJ Kirk. Chief Kirk will be featured as a

Morning Brew | Collin Naylor of The Dad-Cast

By |2023-02-02T09:41:51-08:00June 6th, 2019|

Collin Naylor, founder and host of the Dad-Cast podcast, recently stopped by the Man of Mastery podcast. Amongst other things in the realm of man, father, and family Collin talked about his crazy early start to each day and his gut health morning brew. Here's the recipe if you dare to try! 12-16 ounces