This week, I had the honor of being interviewed by Ben Killoy on the Military Veteran Dad podcast. As a Marine veteran himself, Ben is on a mission with his podcast to Bring Every Dad Home. I didn’t serve but grew up in a veteran household where the effects of my Dad’s Army days in Vietnam have challenged him throughout life and led to a divorce and estrangement from me and my brother.

This topic is way outside of my usual comfort zone but extremely important for me to ponder as a father and may be helpful for others as well. It also offers a new vantage point on Ben’s theme and is a perfect crossover to the self-improvement and parenting topics I cover with my audience. I would highly encourage the Man of Mastery community to tune in for this episode and subscribe to the Military Veteran Dad podcast for new content weekly.


  • Would dad show up at my practice?
  • What memories do you hold on to of your dad?
  • Creating those memories your kids hold onto when life gets tough.
  • Teaching kids humility
  • Am I repeating a behavior cycle and teaching it to my kids
  • Getting the news your parents are splitting up.
  • Becoming estranged with your dad
  • How adversity can fuel your growth
  • Burpee for Vets >
  • If your dad called you right now, what would you say?
  • Working out together as a family
  • Masculinity

To connect with Ben, this episode, and the Military Veteran Dad community:

Instagram @Ben_Killoy > 

Instagram @MilitaryVeteranDad > 

Twitter @benkilloy >

Facebook Page @MilitaryVeteranDad >


If you find the site and content valuable, please click below to subscribe and hear more on a regular basis. The Man of Mastery Podcast is here to help unlock the secrets of elite-level life performance – align happiness, fulfillment, health, wellness, productivity, and peace. Succeed harmoniously in family, relationships, career, finance, fitness, emotional control, and mental toughness. Discover and live your unique, authentic purpose.

We will learn from executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, academics, relationship experts, wealth managers, and warriors. Embrace success as a process – not a singular event – achieved through grit, resilience, and perseverance. Study strategies to achieve extraordinary results through simple consistent actions, accomplishing what others deem impossible.

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