100 Udo Erasmus | Total Sexy Health

By |2023-02-02T09:42:39-08:00May 5th, 2022|

Udo Erasmus, an acclaimed author and speaker, shares his 8-step process to total sexy health! It takes into consideration all of the elements of nature and human nature, including physical health, mental health, presence and awareness, life energy, and being in harmony with nature and humanity. We chat about

Excellence is a Habit | The MDK Project

By |2023-02-02T09:42:46-08:00April 10th, 2022|

INTERVIEW APPEARANCE - THE MDK PROJECT I sat down with MDK Project instructor and U.S. Marine Steve Eckert to discuss this problem of high-achieving men using success as an excuse from continued challenge and growth. We also share other lessons, stories, and good clean fun from MDK Class 008 where I got the very