Self-mastery is a lifelong pursuit and being a quality man, father, and leader is harder than ever! We help men unfu@k the past and unlock the best future version of themselves. Get actionable advice for personal growth, thriving relationships, successful fatherhood, and financial freedom.
100 Udo Erasmus | Total Sexy Health
Udo Erasmus, an acclaimed author and speaker, shares his 8-step process to total sexy health! It takes into consideration all of the elements of nature and human nature,
099 Dr Doug Brackmann | Do You Have a Disorder or a Gift?
Do you ever think, "it will be great when...?" Does it feel like much of the world is moving in slow motion or completely missing the big picture?
098 Men to Mastery | Season 2 Kickoff & CTA
After an extended holiday hiatus to fine tune the brand mission, message, and appearance, this episode kicks off "season 2" with renewed purpose, passion, and of course massive
097 Scott Sunderland | Blueprint for Healing
In 2001, Scott Sunderland found himself lying in a hospital bed, unable to move any part of his body. In just three days, he went from a very
096 Ryan Fahey | How to Thrive in Remote Work
Like it or not, most all of us have been working remotely for the last year or even two. We've adapted and survived, but are we thriving? Productivity
095 Angus Nelson | Dream Big – Work Smart – Don’t Quit
Angus Nelson is bringing the fire and calling out of men to the full potential - to stop suffering in silence, limiting themselves, and instead rewriting their beliefs to
094 Eliot Popkin | Make Peace With Your Past
Eliot Popkin is a singer-songwriter and personal development coach turned author. He's also a survivor of child abuse and had to overcome a great deal and rediscover himself in
093 Nate Rifkin | Healing Pain & Trauma
Nate Rifkin had failed to achieve any of his goals. He spiraled into debt, drank every morning, felt lonely and lost, hated himself and even contemplated suicide. Just
092 Greg Ballard | Optimizing Executive Performance
Let's talk about blind spots created by success. Success can feel like the pinnacle but your competition is constantly in pursuit and from a growth perspective there's always
091 Ryan Braves | Building Better Men
Ryan Braves believes that each and every single man in this world must live to their full potential and the only way to do that is to create


Self-mastery is a lifelong pursuit and being a quality man, father, and leader is harder than ever! We help men unfu@k the past and unlock the best future version of themselves. Get actionable advice for personal growth, thriving relationships, successful fatherhood, and financial freedom.
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100 Udo Erasmus | Total Sexy Health
Udo Erasmus, an acclaimed author and speaker, shares his 8-step process to total sexy health! It takes into consideration all of the elements of nature and human nature,
099 Dr Doug Brackmann | Do You Have a Disorder or a Gift?
Do you ever think, "it will be great when...?" Does it feel like much of the world is moving in slow motion or completely missing the big picture?
098 Men to Mastery | Season 2 Kickoff & CTA
After an extended holiday hiatus to fine tune the brand mission, message, and appearance, this episode kicks off "season 2" with renewed purpose, passion, and of course massive
097 Scott Sunderland | Blueprint for Healing
In 2001, Scott Sunderland found himself lying in a hospital bed, unable to move any part of his body. In just three days, he went from a very
096 Ryan Fahey | How to Thrive in Remote Work
Like it or not, most all of us have been working remotely for the last year or even two. We've adapted and survived, but are we thriving? Productivity
095 Angus Nelson | Dream Big – Work Smart – Don’t Quit
Angus Nelson is bringing the fire and calling out of men to the full potential - to stop suffering in silence, limiting themselves, and instead rewriting their beliefs to
094 Eliot Popkin | Make Peace With Your Past
Eliot Popkin is a singer-songwriter and personal development coach turned author. He's also a survivor of child abuse and had to overcome a great deal and rediscover himself in
093 Nate Rifkin | Healing Pain & Trauma
Nate Rifkin had failed to achieve any of his goals. He spiraled into debt, drank every morning, felt lonely and lost, hated himself and even contemplated suicide. Just
092 Greg Ballard | Optimizing Executive Performance
Let's talk about blind spots created by success. Success can feel like the pinnacle but your competition is constantly in pursuit and from a growth perspective there's always
091 Ryan Braves | Building Better Men
Ryan Braves believes that each and every single man in this world must live to their full potential and the only way to do that is to create