By |2023-02-02T09:40:47-08:00April 12th, 2021|

There's a book you've probably heard of called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It's a quick read but thought-provoking and deep. It definitely falls in the camp of simple, not easy. It kept falling down the priority of my reading list because the four agreements seem so obvious (although tough to practice

078 Simple Passive Cashflow | Lane Kawaoka

By |2023-02-02T09:41:50-08:00April 8th, 2021|

Lane Kawaoka joins the show to share how he built passive cashflow with a specific rental real estate formula. He educates and organizes investors to do the same, leading from the front with his philosophy to live where you want and invest where the numbers work. It's shocking to consider

INOCULATE YOURSELF | Monday Mastery Actions

By |2023-02-02T09:41:54-08:00April 5th, 2021|

With so much focus on the global vaccination campaign to proactively assist immune systems with one type of antibody production, let’s take a moment to widen the lens of perspective on our body, mind, environment, and resilience. The human body...Did you know that your body is not even human, on balance?! Modern science finds