The men and women we lean upon to keep our communities safe are working harder than ever to help us all navigate the current crisis – at the risk and sacrifice of being away from their own families and out on the front lines. I had the honor to observe and share the pace of what that looks like on just a “normal” day.
This episode is the biography of a local Fire Dept as seen through the lens of the recent privilege to ride along and observe their crew for a 24 hour shift. It is a story of leadership, effective teams, camaraderie, and service…of teammates, warriors, humble servants going quietly about their calling with unrivaled calm, care, and compassion.
- Recap on FD Pre-Academy training
- Team building and bonding
- What I knew, didn’t really know, and definitely didn’t know
- Day in the life. For 24 hours. Again. And again.
- 3 minutes from dead sleep to on scene
- Korkoro spirit
The Chula Vista Fire Department holds a rich tradition of service since its establishment on May 21, 1921. From its beginning as a group of 17 volunteers with a hand-drawn soda and acid cart pulled to a fire by anyone available, the Chula Vista Fire Department has grown into a highly professional, trained force of over 140 men and women. Currently, the Chula Vista Fire Department’s nine stations respond to nearly 19,000 calls for service annually, while serving a population of 256,000, covering an area over 52 square miles. These stations are staffed 24 hours per day with 36 personnel plus two battalion chiefs for each 24-hour shift.
Protection of life is critical and response must be fast and accurate. Chula Vista Fire Department is dispatched for all 9-1-1 calls for service using state of the art technology, allowing for residents to receive the highest service within the most rapid time.
In addition to providing emergency medical response and firefighting services to the citizens of the community, the Fire Department also operates training and fire prevention divisions. The Fire Prevention Division provides comprehensive fire safety engineering plan review and inspection services so that new development and existing businesses are in compliance with the latest fire regulations ensuring the safety of the community. Fire Prevention also provides 24-hour coverage for origin and cause fire investigation services. In addition, the Chula Vista Fire Department provides fire and life safety education and outreach to City residents, including annual community Fire Prevention Week activities, fire and life safety educational programs for all ages, school programs, and fire station visits at no cost.
A spirit of hard work, dedication, and care resounds through the actions of the members of the Chula Vista Fire Department.
As mentioned in the episode, here’s an extract from the article linked below on a doctor’s recommendations to do and not do.
What To Do
Mask: Wearing a mask will not help protect you from becoming ill. If you are infected, it will protect others.
Washing hands: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol.
If you are at high risk consider the following:
Melatonin: 10 to 20 mg time-release for adults. Kids make their own. If your child gets ill with a documented case of coronavirus, ask your doctor about adding in 1 mg of melatonin to their mix.
Anti-viral nutrients: Get your blood flowing with healthy levels of natural anti-viral nutrients. No one really knows the extent of this virus, but better safe than sorry and why not use natural answers. The focus here is on vitamins A, C, and D.
Many people have insufficient blood levels of vitamin A and C. These nutrients have antiviral abilities and are able to support the immune system when it is under viral attack.
Vitamin C: If you are not ill with the virus but want protection, take 3-5,000 mg/day of vitamin C. At the first sign of an illness, take 1,000 mg/hour until diarrhea develops, then back off for a time period. If and when you get the virus, IV vitamin C has three studies approved for treating COVID-19 mentioned below in the tools for when infected section[59]. Functional doctors have been using high dose vitamin C IV, along with supportive nutrients, successfully for many years.
Vitamin A: 5,000 Units/day if you are not sick and 100,000 Units/day for four days at the first sign of an illness.
*Pregnant women cannot take these doses.
*Take vitamin A, not beta carotene. If you are a smoker, stay away from high dose beta-carotene, which is linked to increasing the incidence of lung cancer in smokers.
Vitamin D is also very important for fighting infections. At the onset of an illness, take 50,000 IU of vitamin D3/day for four days. Then go back down to your normal much lower levels. Do not stay on high levels of any of the vitamins. It’s best to work with a physician that knows how to monitor high-dose nutrient anti-viral intake.
Iodine: is essential to fight off infections and for proper immune system functioning. There is no bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is known to be resistant to iodine. Dr. David Brownstein is a colleague and dear friend. Dr. Brownstein has written in his amazing book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, that most of our population is low in iodine.
When I test patient’s serum iodine (which we do on every single new patient), 90% are at the low end if not below it. Iodine levels have fallen nearly 60% over the last 40 years. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iodine is inadequate to supply enough iodine for all the bodily tissues.
For protection: taking half of a 12.5 mg iodine caplet twice a week makes sense. At the first sign of illness, increase to 25 mg of iodine for 4 days and then reduce the dose to ½ of 12.5 mg caplet three times a week.
Please keep in mind that iodine can cause adverse effects; it is best used under the guidance of an iodine-knowledgeable doctor.
Nitrous Oxide: Neo-40 was co-formulated by Dr. Nathan Bryan and Dr. Janet Zand, who are old friends and colleagues of mine. Dr. Bryan and I did an NO/dialysis study[60] together and published it in peer review. Neo-40 contains beet powder and a Chinese herb, which both boost the production of NO. One lozenge twice a day seems prudent for protection.
Zinc: Zinc is powerful anti-viral mineral[61] [62][63]. Zinc is part of the zinc finger proteins that help the body stop growth (replication) of invading viruses. Zinc has been tested and shown to have anti-viral activity against a number of viruses, even Ebola, though it’s not specifically been tested on COVID-19. Sufficient zinc stores inside cells are needed to help successfully fight viruses.
Zinc has been shown to help shorten the duration of the common cold[64] if taken early in the course of the illness. The common cold virus is a member of the corona family. It’s a good idea to test your stores of zinc once a year. This is done by running a red blood cell level of zinc. It should be in the upper quartile of the reference range of the lab. Taking about 25 mg/d of zinc for most people, with a small amount of copper like 2 to 3 mg in a backup multi-mineral, is immune supportive.
Zinc’s highest amount in the body is in the brain where zinc “allows” many hormone signals and neuronal actions to protect the brain. Zinc during a viral outbreak helps protect brain tissue from some of the collateral damage.
Mushrooms: Mushrooms contain, in their cell walls, natural polysaccharides called beta-glucans. These substances increase host immune defense by several mechanisms, such as activating a part of the immune system called the complement system, enhancing macrophages (a protective traveling white blood cell that does cellular surveillance), and boosting natural killer cell function. Ill patients, more at risk of the virus, along with the elderly, often have “lower killer cell activity” and thus more viral vulnerability. Getting mushroom supplements is smart. Add them to your diet, too.
Avoid NSAIDS if Possible
Especially if you have underlying chronic health conditions.
Nonsteroidal inflammatory meds have been shown to be “immunosuppressive”[66] and this is a time when you want your immune system as strong as possible.
Pain? Lean on acetaminophen for now. Or hugging a safe close partner as oxytocin is a pain reliever, too.
Stress, like sugar, depresses the immune system. Make as many decisions as possible by looking at all your options and taking the path of least stress. Mindfulness practices also help you move through stress. Stress, after all, is the perception of lack of control. Mindfulness puts us into a “present” that seems more controllable, no matter the circumstance. That builds resilience even to viruses.
If all the above seem too much or you feel you don’t need to cover all your bases, choose what makes most sense for your body. Perhaps do one or two protective measures. I would say put melatonin high on the list. I took 15 mg time-released last evening and had a terrific sleep! Feel like a million bucks this AM to finish this article for you.
Food, Water, and Lifestyle
You want a humming immune system. Avoid things that ding it. Eat lots of colorful veggies and fruits and, during this time, avoid refined sugar completely. For a few hours after consuming refined sugar, white blood cells don’t perform optimally. This is proven, replicated science.
Dehydration worsens any infectious process. Remember to drink water. I am going to take a short break and go get a glass right now.
Work out regularly, sleep well, and take prescribed meds regularly as directed.
Social Distancing
The countries that have kept this coronavirus under control acted fast and aggressively toward containment. The U.S. has gotten off to a slow start.
Data from abroad suggest that 10% to 20% of those that get ill, can end up in a more serious condition. This could translate into potentially hundreds of thousands who may need hospital care. To avoid this we need to take individual and social action. In Italy the number of cases skyrocketed from a handful a few weeks ago to more than 27,000 new cases and many deaths.
We can’t be cavalier Americans thinking we can do whatever we want. South Korea and Taiwan keep people 3.5 feet apart. Folks flying into many countries now must be in a holding area until they have a medical evaluation. America is not doing this. Folks land and blend and stand in long lines with each other and even share pens to fill out forms.
It is good that schools are closed. Don’t go to church; pray at home.
Volunteers in other countries go around with thermometers checking for fevers.
Some countries have closed their air and seaports to foreigners. This makes sense. Act aggressively now and stop this, so we can soon go on with our lives.
If you are young, realize you can still get ill or be a vector of infection. Keeping away from others if you have been exposed for at least 14 days can help “flatten” this potential catapulting curve. Don’t go to large gatherings and only go out when you must.
We need collective civic responsibility.
Be smart. This has not peaked yet, but you can help it slow down.
Instead of restaurants cook at home or order in and let them leave the food at the doorstep.
Don’t forget to spend some healthy time outside because sunlight and fresh air are part of staying well.
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