And thank you for stepping up, joining this community of men, and being ready to grow!

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Below you’ll find more information about me and the Mastery journey. You’ll also find a few other steps I highly recommend – if you haven’t already – to get involved via the podcast and social media and to begin taking action immediately. Please reach out with questions, comments, suggestions, and your own challenges or success stories!

Welcome! My name is Michael Bulloch. I’m a father, husband, author, and corporate consultant. We are building the Men to Mastery community to form an exclusive peer group of high achieving men who live in concert with their values, reject mediocrity and status quo in continual pursuit of even better versions of themselves as fathers and husbands, and are willing to train and do hard things to be ready to serve their families, friends, country, and world.

Although I’m not an expert, I’m dedicated to life-long learning and I’ve been studying peak performance for over 20 years. I’m here to be your guide and resource to the best, most effective information available from the top of the corporate world, elite military, educational institutions, speakers, and authors in what I call the 6 Pillars of Performance – six foundational, interconnected areas in which to focus and improve.

The world is at an inflection point, desperate for authentic leaders – men ready to grow and serve. Join this community of men ready to be remarkable. Start your journey to mastering the best version of you.


The Men to Mastery Podcast is here to help unlock the secrets of elite-level life performance – align happiness, fulfillment, health, wellness, productivity, and peace. Succeed harmoniously in family, relationships, career, finance, fitness, emotional control, and mental toughness. Discover and live your unique, authentic purpose.

We will learn from executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, academics, relationship experts, wealth managers, and warriors. Embrace success as a process – not a singular event – achieved through grit, resilience, and perseverance. Study strategies to achieve extraordinary results through simple consistent actions, accomplishing what others deem impossible.

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We are building an exclusive community and network of high quality peers to learn from, challenge, and hold each other accountable. Tune in for regular updates and information. Comment and share. Spread the word to other quality men.