081 Soul Purpose Mastery | Paul Shepherd

By |2023-02-02T09:42:08-08:00May 27th, 2021|

Paul Shepherd has been on quite a journey from early business success and failure to military commando to serial entrepreneur - all the while trying to work out why something didn't quite fit and how to find true peace, happiness, and fulfillment. After spending over $500k in personal development,

080 Ditches to Riches | Ron Worley

By |2023-02-02T09:40:36-08:00May 13th, 2021|

Ron Worley, today's guest, embodies some of the greatest resilience, attitude, and gratitude we've come across in a long while. He has been a drug addict and alcoholic since early childhood, was arrested, homeless, and lost the privilege of access to his children, has been institutionalized and suicidal, and

079 Beyond Fitness | David Pereira

By |2023-02-02T09:40:44-08:00April 22nd, 2021|

David Pereira, a Navy Combat Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient, is the owner of FENIX, a high-end personal training facility located in New Jersey, and the creator of the Beyond Fitness program. David visits the show to share his passion for helping successful people develop a mental toughness mindset