Figs O’Sullivan describes himself as a wounded human being who helps people love each other. He’s the founder behind Empathi, committed to providing individuals and couples with the most effective practices for creating amazing relationships. We talk alligators, bunny rabbits, and other entertaining, on-the-fly metaphors for his process of unpacking conflict down to underlying fears and ultimately the biological need to thrive and feel safe.

“It’s never about the other person. It’s you and it’s about the system you’re co-creating with other human beings in the world.

– Figs O’Sullivan


  • Relationships are literally crazy-making
  • Fight, flight, freeze, or…placate
  • The 2 fears behind almost every fight
  • Rewire through empathic experience
  • Post-traumatic relationship growth


Fiachra “Figs” O’Sulivan is the Founder and Chief Empathy Officer at Empathi, which provides step-by-step guidance for couples and individuals who care about their relationships. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who is certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples and individuals. And he is a passionate entrepreneur, driven to change lives for the better.

Fig strives to interact with clients as a fellow traveler on life’s journey, allowing them to easily dive deeper into their “stuff” with his down-to-earth philosophy. Constantly working on his skills and psychotherapeutic approach, Figs is passionate about helping couples love each other and feel more connected.

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We will learn from executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, academics, relationship experts, wealth managers, and warriors. Embrace success as a process – not a singular event – achieved through grit, resilience, and perseverance. Study strategies to achieve extraordinary results through simple consistent actions, accomplishing what others deem impossible.

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