I recently had the honor to be interviewed on the amazing Shadow Work Library podcast hosted by Jessica Depatie!

This series covers the spectrum of negative patterns in the human experience and how you can become friends with your dark-sides and integrate them into your life in healthy and creative ways. On each episode, we’ll define a ROOT CAUSE shadow state, the ORIGINS of that shadow to understand it’s purpose, how it shows up in your life, and how you can TRANSFORM it into a STRENGTH.

Today we’re chatting with Michael Bulloch to discuss the wisdom of adversity and intentionally adding mind-body-soul challenges into your life as a method of awakening, self-discovery, and being of greater service to our communities.

Music by:

Tom Day “Who We Want to Be” https://open.spotify.com/track/7eBqNSGi5jOBQZDiecXJas?si=35dd33e3edcf48d2

Resources mentioned:

– Man of Mastery Podcast: https://mentomastery.com/

– Follow Michael on IG: https://www.instagram.com/themanofmastery/

– Follow Michael’s badass son: https://www.instagram.com/bulloch_spartan_adventures/

– Serial 02 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TohrY93A_tw

– Special Forces Experience: www.thespecialforcesexperience.com

– Atomic habits book: https://amzn.to/3zFGbCT

– Spartan Race: https://www.spartan.com/

– Post-Traumatic Growth Documentary: Coming Soon…