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Gentlemen, once again, I have the opportunity to introduce you to a friend of mine, Mr. Ben Greenfield.
A lot of you do not need an introduction to who this man is but for those of you who may not be familiar with him, he is one of the world’s leading experts on the subject of health, fitness, nutrition, and all things bio-hacking. And, he’s probably one of the most fascinating people I’ve had the opportunity of getting to know over the past several years.
He’s got a master’s degree in physiology and biomechanics and has lept into the fitness world, testing new medical and health theories and pushing himself as hard as just about any other human I’ve met.
He’s trained with Navy SEALs, professional sports teams, and completed some of the most elite obstacle course races in the world. And, today, he joins us to talk about the power of biohacking your way to health.
- Healthy travel hacks
- How infrared therapy improves testosterone and inflammation levels
- 3 markers to improve your circadian rhythm
- How the use of psychedelics can improve your health and performance
- The critical importance of sleep when traveling
- The concept of “unschooling” as a medium for raising children
- When biohacking isn’t the right approach
- The benefits of intermittent fasting
- The difference between drugs and medicines
- Specific strategies that replicate the benefits of psychedelics
- The importance of introducing variables into your training
- Optimal lifting routines for developing muscle growth
- Introduction to the carnivore diet
- The effect on your health of timing your meals correctly
- Healthy travel hacks
- How infrared therapy improves testosterone and inflammation levels
- 3 markers to improve your circadian rhythm
- How the use of psychedelics can improve your health and performance
- The critical importance of sleep when traveling
- The concept of “unschooling” as a medium for raising children
- When biohacking isn’t the right approach
- The benefits of intermittent fasting
- The difference between drugs and medicines
- Specific strategies that replicate the benefits of psychedelics
- The importance of introducing variables into your training
- Optimal lifting routines for developing muscle growth
- Introduction to the carnivore diet
- The effect on your health of timing your meals correctly