Throughout the site, blog, and podcast notes you’ll find reference to products and services with links for your convenience. I make my best effort to mention only those companies with whom I have positive personal experience and found to be beneficial – or I note if the reference is one that I’ve yet to try myself or was recommended by someone else (e.g. an interview guest).
In some cases, the links are affiliate links, meaning that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission – at no additional cost to you. For example, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Please spend your hard-earned dollars wisely and only consider those products and services that are right for you.
If you choose to purchase any of these items, we’d be honored if you do so through the affiliate link as the commissions will help to further our mission here at Men to Mastery. My goal is to serve you with valuable information, recommendations, and inspiration.
In full transparency, Men to Mastery is a for-profit business and relies, in part, on these affiliate commissions to continue doing what we do. If in doubt, assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links through which I would receive compensation.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.