032 Servant Leader | Shawn Bucher

By |2023-02-02T09:42:49-08:00December 5th, 2019|

Shawn Bucher, The Business Chef, joins the show to discuss innovation, success, and failure in the context of one of the toughest industries around - food service. High stress, long hours and holidays, a physically demanding environment, customer expectations, and constant staff turnover make it very challenging to

031 Gratitude & Gravy | Michael Bulloch

By |2023-02-02T09:42:52-08:00November 28th, 2019|

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! This is a special, holiday solo-cast to take time out and not only express gratitude but to dive into ways to foster and express gratitude, bring it into a daily routine, and to build upon consistent daily action to set and achieve big, audacious, scary and

030 Practice of Misfortune | Laval St.Germain

By |2023-02-02T09:42:56-08:00November 21st, 2019|

Laval St.Germain is a world-class mountaineer and extreme athlete, cyclist, and ultra-marathoner. He recently set a record rowing solo 5500km across the Atlantic Ocean to raise money for a local cancer hospital and in solidarity with a close friend who had just been diagnosed. "Experimentation is an